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 Pirates / 1225
    Good string for rigging —Stephen A. Campbell
   Ahoy Pirate Mateys! I've found a string that works well as Pirate ship rigging. It's called Speed-Cro-Sheen. It's thicker than thread, thinner than yarn, and of a fairly dense wrap. AND it comes in black (as well as a lot of other colors). It's just (...) (24 years ago, 31-Jul-00, to lugnet.pirates)
        Re: Good string for rigging —Rob Doucette
   (...) Speed-Cro-Sheen appears to be a brand of crochet thread made by J&P Coats. Is the spool marked with the thread size or weight, and the number of plys? I think this is it (scroll down): (URL) (24 years ago, 31-Jul-00, to lugnet.pirates)
        Re: Good string for rigging —Stephen A. Campbell
    (...) Dat's it. (Art C-45) 100 yards, not feet (duh, although didn't have the spool with me.) I originally bought a spool of the natural cotton color from another craft store (because they didn't have black) and I like the way it works. I had to (...) (24 years ago, 31-Jul-00, to lugnet.pirates)

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