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 People / LGBT / 8
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Re: What's on second? (was Re: Who's on first?
Sat, 18 Sep 2004 23:02:08 GMT
2149 times
John wrote in message ...
Well, this is what I'm confused about.  Is this NG for posting MOCs of • LGBTers,
or a place for LEGO LGBTers to share stories, etc with one another.

How about you just wait and watch, John, and then you (and all of us) will
see how it gets used.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What's on second? (was Re: Who's on first?
(...) Not unless your nickname is (URL) "I Don't Know">;-) (...) Well, this is what I'm confused about. Is this NG for posting MOCs of LGBTers, or a place for LEGO LGBTers to share stories, etc with one another. Seems to me that the brownstones (...) (20 years ago, 18-Sep-04, to, FTX)

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