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 Organizations / United States / MichLUG / 2857
    MichLUG Meeting - April 6th, 2002 - Jason's wrap-up —Jason Spears
   We had a great meeting on April 6th, 2002. Again at the Retreat Center, which continues to be a great place for these. Here is a list of the Attendants: Tony Hedglen Jason Spears Larry Pieniazek Steven Weiser Steven Ringe Chris Leach Andrew Leach (...) (22 years ago, 10-Apr-02, to
        Re: MichLUG Meeting - April 6th, 2002 - Jason's wrap-up —Scott E. Sanburn
   Jason & All, (...) Indeed. Wish I was there! : ( (...) Indeed. Sorry I missed you being there, I will get your stuff ready for the next one. (...) We can have both, and make them available. No big $$ issues either way. (...) Cool. I will be there! (...) (22 years ago, 10-Apr-02, to

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