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Re: Track Geometry
Tue, 18 Nov 2003 17:49:50 GMT
2987 times
In, Derek Raycraft wrote:
   I’m trying to figure out some track geometry that includes a 45 degree run, but fits back into the regular perpendicular runs.

Does anyone know of a website with examples of how to do this. So far I haven’t managed anything on my own.



p.s. Yes, Chris this is for my connect 4 robot. p.p.s. No Calum it’s not really for my connect 4 robot.

Hey Derek,

Did an impromptu TD thing up for ya--

Hope it’s good for ya!

17 straight is almost perfect for TD, 10? Well, not so much...

Dave K

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Track Geometry
(...) DOH! (URL) Here are the links... (URL) side using curve straight curve.... (20 years ago, 18-Nov-03, to, FTX)

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  Track Geometry
I'm trying to figure out some track geometry that includes a 45 degree run, but fits back into the regular perpendicular runs. Does anyone know of a website with examples of how to do this. So far I haven't managed anything on my own. Thanks Derek (...) (20 years ago, 18-Nov-03, to

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