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Re: Massive Stadium Revealed at LEGOLand <span style="text-decoration:line-through">Billund</span> >
lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.legoland.billund
Tue, 28 Mar 2006 18:19:57 GMT
16307 times

Opps, thanks for pointing that out. I guess I guessed at the location. I made
some assumptions based on the pictures I saw and my own visit to Billund.

Sorry to anyone that planned a trip to Billund to set it. Maybe you can redirt
to Germany.



In lugnet.mediawatch, Ross Crawford wrote:
In lugnet.legoland.billund, Todd Thuma wrote:
Anyone that has been to LEGOLand in Billund knows they had a giant stadium model
on display. Well, it appears that they have upgraded to a new model.

A friend passed me this link from Ezprezzo:

I am extremely impressed and the model is massive. Does anyone know what the
largest single model is? Is this close to the record or does it exceed it?

Hi Todd,

That is the Allianz Arena, and it is indeed very impressive, but I believe it is
on display at Legoland Deutschland, not Billund:


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Massive Stadium Revealed at LEGOLand Billund
(...) Hi Todd, That is the Allianz Arena, and it is indeed very impressive, but I believe it is on display at Legoland Deutschland, not Billund: (URL) (18 years ago, 27-Mar-06, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.legoland.billund)

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