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Re: Rights to Spiderman..
Wed, 23 Feb 2005 15:01:15 GMT
3679 times
Megablocks have the comic rights. Lego have the film rights. Lego can only
produce sets relevant to the films, megablocks can't reference the films
only the comics. You might find that the Lego deal is with Sony(?) and the
Megablocks one, directly with Marvel

James Stacey
Lugnet Member #925
I'm a citizen of Legoland travellin' Incommunicado
"Rob Antonishen" <> wrote in message
I saw in the

Globe and Mail> that Mega Bloks "has Spider-Man on its side since the • Montreal
company struck an [exclusive] deal last fall with Marvel Enterprises to • develop
products featuring Marvel's super heroes, which also include X-Men, Hulk • and
Captain America." ([Bold] emphasis was mine.)

But I still see a large number of Spiderman sets at Lego Shop at Home...

Anyone know what the deal is with that?  Will there be no more Lego • Spiderman?
Any listings in the 2005 catalogues?

-Rob A>

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Rights to Spiderman..
(...) You make a good distinction between film-character and comic-character rights, but it might not apply across the board in this case. Although LEGO did indeed have the tie-in rights for the Spiderman films, it appears that MEGABLOKS has (...) (19 years ago, 27-Feb-05, to lugnet.mediawatch,

Message is in Reply To:
  Rights to Spiderman..
I saw in the (URL) and Mail> that Mega Bloks "has Spider-Man on its side since the Montreal company struck an exclusive deal last fall with Marvel Enterprises to develop products featuring Marvel's super heroes, which also include X-Men, Hulk and (...) (19 years ago, 21-Feb-05, to lugnet.mediawatch,, FTX)

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