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Re: Updated LEGO Collectors Guide... DVD/download
Tue, 17 Jun 2014 23:17:16 GMT
32213 times
I've been working on expanding the Castle/Ninja/Pirate chapters of the
Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors guide (free to current owners), and also
working on the 9V Train System.  In doing so I realized that some systems cannot
logically be cut off at the year 2000, so these chapters will go well beyond
that date.

Ditto for the Promotional Sets chapter.  There are so many interesting stories
to tell about more recent promotional sets, such as the 2006 10152 Maersk Line
Set that has the very rare 2x4 Maersk blue bricks from the 1980s (no cross

There are so many additional interesting story to tell about so many LEGO sets
and promotions, that I'm adding a chapter about LEGO Anecdotes... stories about
rare and unique LEGO sets... some stories will run to 10 pages with 20 photos!

Anyway...  I've got so many new and old stories to tell in the old as well as
new LEGO desktop download.... with all future updates coming to you for free.

Giving out a very rare freebie to the first few orders...
1 person gets one of these in mint...
1 person gets one of these in mint...

Also have some other very rare freebies not found online...

First $29.95 orders get a very rare freebie! ;-)


P.S.  Old LEGO CD owners (2008-2010) can get the expanded guide upgrades for
only $7

Message is in Reply To:
  Updated LEGO Collectors Guide... DVD/download
My Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors Guide (1949-90) is expanding again to cover the entire 20th century of LEGO... from 1949-2000. This will take my (only available as a desktop download) encyclopedic collectors guide to well over 3300 pages, (...) (10 years ago, 6-Jun-14, to

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