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Updated LEGO Collectors Guide... DVD/download
Fri, 6 Jun 2014 20:30:03 GMT
31443 times
My Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors Guide (1949-90) is expanding again to
cover the entire 20th century of LEGO... from 1949-2000.  This will take my
(only available as a desktop download) encyclopedic collectors guide to well
over 3300 pages, and nearly 90 chapters.

These updates will be FREE for current LEGO DVD or DVD download owners.  This
upgrade will include over 1000 addition photos (bringing the total to well over
7000), and also include new chapters on other items... such as LEGO stores and
store displays over the last 60 years... LEGO Christiansen Family photo
gallery... LEGO in Japan and Asia... and lots of information on rare LEGO items
that are not even mentioned in the Billund Archives!

The new guide will be called "LEGO Encyclopedia of the 20th Century - An
Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors Guide (1949-2000).

This will be my last extension, and as I mentioned, it will be free to current
DVD and DVD download owners.... ;-)

For more views on what will be available in the upcoming updates... see my
Facebook page....

Remember... all future upgrades to my guide will always be free in the future to
current owners... I keep your Emails on file! ;-)

Gary Istok

P.S.  If you don't want to wait for the new updates, you can still order my
guide now (for immediate install on your computer desktop) for only $29.95
worldwide.... and get the expanded updates when they are ready later in 2014...

... and old LEGO CD owners (the small 1000 page guide from 5-6 years ago)... you
can update to the new guide at any time for a $8 flat fee... just contact me at

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Updated LEGO Collectors Guide... DVD/download
I've been working on expanding the Castle/Ninja/Pirate chapters of the Unofficial LEGO Sets/Parts Collectors guide (free to current owners), and also working on the 9V Train System. In doing so I realized that some systems cannot logically be cut (...) (10 years ago, 17-Jun-14, to

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