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Re: The Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows 2004 Lego Display
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 13:53:27 GMT
4399 times
In, Dan Parker wrote:
   Paul, too bad you guys left just before Gary McIntire and I arrived -- your layout looks fantastic! The cathedral rework is great. The arch is in a class by itself. Well done! dan parker, TrainBuilder Productions, LLC

Yeah, we’d love to have set-up at the same time, but this worked out better for most of us. I’m glad you liked it, Although last years’ was not bad, this was clearly better, we have grown as a club, and as individual builders. From your comments I deduct that the arch is still up :), we were a bit worried, but gave them clear instructions not to mess with the table too much, like only moving it with 6 or so people. I hope your set-up wnet smooth, looking forward to see some pictures (I assme someone took pictures ?). Hope the visitors like it all, they should!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows 2004 Lego Display
(...) Paul, too bad you guys left just before Gary McIntire and I arrived -- your layout looks fantastic! The cathedral rework is great. The arch is in a class by itself. Well done! dan parker, TrainBuilder Productions, LLC (19 years ago, 18-Nov-04, to, FTX)

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