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My classic space FOTD
Sun, 11 May 2003 10:15:36 GMT
2352 times
Well, they say the early bird catches the worm....

Got a big box labelled attic lego this morning with a near mint 6970 and
instructions in it!  I've been searching for this for over 3 years now.
It was mixed in with some much older lego, but each piece was still gleaming
right down to the blue 1x1 plates, gold on the astronaut's chests, white
(not yellowed) flag with stickers, antenna with 8 spokes and the sparkliest
trans yellow 6x8 plates you ever did see!

My excitement stems from the fact that the picture on the back cover.
Am I right in saying that Lego usually only show available sets?
Well this one has 2 extra designs, a 6861 type craft and a moon rover with a
3x6 trans green sloping window.  I thought that alternate designs were only
shown on the back of boxes, and you could clearly not build these from a 6970.


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