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  Re: request for the work of a master builder
(...) Well it seems, as well as emailing a large number of Aussie AFOLs, these people also contacted LEGO Australia, who have decided to fund the project, but they need someone to do the actual building. Any takers? I can forward the details if you (...) (16 years ago, 11-Mar-08, to,
  Re: request for the work of a master builder
(...) Yep, he seems to have hit a bunch of Aussie LEGO fans - and there's been at least one expressing interest :) (...) There's a short summary (URL) here> with links to pics. ROSCO (16 years ago, 20-Feb-08, to,, FTX)
  request for the work of a master builder
Hi folks I don't know if anyone else received an email from Brett Colliver -- he works for an advertising agency in Auckland and they're looking for someone who is "able to create things like a Harley Davidson motorbike, a speedboat or a convertible (...) (16 years ago, 19-Feb-08, to,

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