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  Pricey prices
Hi guys! Finally, I was able to locate some fellow Malaysian... I'm a LEGO maniac from Perak. Yeah, prices are sky-high and the retailers are pretty tight in giving discounts... imagine Mindstorms R.I.Kit v 1.5 retails for RM 999.90 (USD1=RM3.8) (...) (23 years ago, 27-Dec-00, to
  Re: Selamat Datang
(...) Tom, I am from Malaysia originally but living and working in Tampa, Florida and for a long time was wondering why there was no AFOLs in Malaysia. Just got back from a trip home to Penang and realised that like a lot of places, LEGO is just too (...) (24 years ago, 19-Jul-00, to
  Re: Selamat Datang
Ada-lah orang disini? Baru sampai? Dulu (lagi 30 tahun) saya che-gu ilmu hisab di Sekolah Tinggi, Melaka. Berjumpa lagi, tom napolitano (24 years ago, 9-Jul-00, to
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TERMS OF USE FOR LUGNET.COM OVERVIEW AND DEFINITIONS ("LUGNET") is a privately owned Internet site designed and run primarily for the benefit of those who enjoy building with, discussing, collecting, buying & selling, trading, and (...) (24 years ago, 6-Jul-00, to

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