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 LEGO Company / 3255
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Re: LEGO Factory updates and insight !!!
Sat, 5 Mar 2005 12:51:58 GMT
4578 times
   This should help to address some of the issues encountered in our first outing. For instance, in the final verification process we underwent to ensure the voting results were fair and accurate, it was discovered that multiple username votes from the same password in close repetitive intervals (e.g. 1 min.) had been generated to vote for multiple models in the final round of the competition. These votes have been determined as not legitimate and removed from the final total. The problem, of course, is that users might have seen strange things happening with the ranking on the site while we were doing this verification, assuming that there was cheating going on.

I’m happy that Lego makes some verifications but don’t forgive to control the IP addresses, because if somebody register multiple users with different passwords and vote within not close intervals, the possibility to cheat remains high (especially for who can surf on Internet during the whole day and has nothing else to do...). And, don’t forgive to make the sign up more difficult (ig. ask for a valid email address, full name...), this could be a disincentive for cheaters... I know it is impossible to win agains the cheaters but at least make their lives harder!

And last but not least, allow to a same person to win 4 TIMES is not fair! I’m really disappointed of the first Legofactory contest. I don’t know if I will lose other time to take part of the next editions. Lego has to work very hard with the next Legofactory in order to have again credibility.

Regards, Luca Giannitti

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