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Re: Discovered Unknown LEGO Set from Norway...
Mon, 14 Apr 2014 07:59:05 GMT
23655 times
Now that the 1309 set has been discovered, there is still one set yet to be
discovered... a 1237 "Garage Side Building Set".

The Billund Archives have no information on this set, and it was obviously not
produced there for the Danish market.  But it was likely produced in Oslo Norway
for the Norwegian and Swedish market... since it shows up in 1956-57 catalogs

I had thought that this set may have been a catalog error or a set that was
withdrawn before production started, but with the existence of the 1309 Esso
Garage Set, that would make the existence of the 1237 set that much more likely.

In my LEGO DVD download, I had put the 1237 set in the "prototype" chapter...
but once we find one, I will have to move it to the early model set chapter...
next to the existing (for Denmark, Norway, Sweden) 1236 Garage Set.

Unlike the 1309 Esso Garage Set, which came in a flat box that supposedly had an
insert to hold the parts in place... the 1237 likely came in a loose rectangular
box... like the early 1236 sets.  A 1237 that came up for auction would easily
top 1000 Euros!!

Cheers, and happy hunting!!
Gary Istok

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Discovered Unknown LEGO Set from Norway...
OPPPSS.... BROKEN LINK.... SO HERE'S THE POST INSTEAD.... ;-) I had seen a catalog entry in an old 1956 Norway catalog, but I wasn't sure if was (common in old LEGO catalogs) an error, or a real set, since one had never been seen before, and no (...) (10 years ago, 14-Apr-14, to lugnet.general)

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