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Smiley Icons?
lugnet.general, lugnet.admin.suggestions
Thu, 14 Oct 2004 19:25:47 GMT
4799 times
OK, doh! After composing this, I just did a search on “emoticons” and sure enough, this was discussed a while ago. What ever happened to it?

Hi All,

Smiley icons seem to be all the rage on many other forums on the net, but we don’t have any here on Lugnet. I suspect the reason has to do with the “cheese” factor as these icons can appear cheesy and annoying at times (especially the animated ones).

But, what if we customize things a bit and use minifig heads for the smileys.

For example, any occurrence of :-) would be replaced with something like:

The substitution would only occur for users of the web interface. Perhaps there could be an opt out setting (just like the skip-filter settings) so that users who find this annoying could switch the substitution off.

What do you think?


P.S. The smiley above is just a crude hack, I’m sure there are others here that could produce a nice set of tasteful minifig heads.

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