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Re: FOTD - Samsonite Era Set #704
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 06:22:32 GMT
419 times
In lugnet.general, Mike Walsh writes:
I picked up a very old Samsonite set late last week.

How do you find the "fit" of the pieces?

My sister recently bought a Swiss made 1200 piece tub, and I could swear
blind that the bricks
- are more rubbery
- fit less closely together
- have sharper edges
than the sets I grew up with in the late 70s.

On the other hand, last month I bought a very old selection from Denmark,
which had some very old bricks - whose fit was dreadful.

Is it just nostalgia on my part, or was the apogee of "fit" in the late 70s
/ early 80s? Has anyone applied a micrometer to this problem?

Message is in Reply To:
  FOTD - Samsonite Era Set #704
I picked up a very old Samsonite set late last week. (URL) have been unable to find out any information on this set. Neither LUGNET nor BrickSet have it in their database. I couldn't find any completed eBay auctions for it nor any mention of it in (...) (21 years ago, 5-Nov-02, to lugnet.general)

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