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Re: Mosaic Kit 3 shades of gray
Sat, 11 Nov 2000 01:52:17 GMT
1693 times
Ben Gatrelle wrote:

In, Ben Gatelle writes:
There may be a problem here.
An earlier post referred to Light Gray as being the standard Gray, with the >>new color being Medium Gray, not (scala) Light Gray.
Thus the Scala Gray may not be the new 'gray' used in the Mosaic...
Yes, I thought the same thing, but enough of us have already put in orders,
though mine was more even in the distribution of colors, that I guess we
will have to see when they arrive. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Scala
light gray.  Obviously someone will have to post details once the bags are
in hand.

Well my Mosaic Kit has arrived.  I can confirm that the kit has three shades
of gray plates (which everyone already knew), a standard dark gray, a
standard gray (the same color as the baseplate), and a lighter gray between
the regular gray and white. I don't have the scala light gray, but it was
described as this color.
The medium gray is a standard gray however. There is not a new
between-dark-gray-and-regular-gray gray.

I am very surprised-- I'm positive the mosaic at the Kidvention had the new color *between* gray and dark gray.  Can anyone else who
saw the mosaic confirm/deny my experience?

Sorry for my misinformation:-/


The baseplate is a regular large baseplate. The frame is made of black
regular slopes including SIX concave corners. One brick seperator and the
hanger consisting of two 2x2 plates and one <part:3176> Plate  3 x  2 with Hole


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