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Re: Introducing LEGO Direct
lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 20:44:36 GMT
6447 times

THANK YOU (and the LEGO Group) for opening the door! I plan to be among those
AFOLs you'll be doing business with in the near future.

Some of the items I'd like to see among the offerings are retired pieces of
great interest [to me - and others(?)], such as straight Monorail Track and
large plate windows (1 x 6 x 3). I am sure that I'll be able to expand on
lists such as this, but I'm hoping you'll provide a yes/no response to the
general question of "retired pieces being/becoming available".

I would also like to know if TLG intends to provide information to us
historian/collector types about what pieces have gone before - pieces that
wouldn't even be called retired because of their antiquity. I have many
elements dating 25 years and older, but I certainly don't have all of them. In
fact, although my collection numbers 2600+ different shapes, I couldn't even
list all of the elements LEGO has made because there are so many. But I'd
surely like to know what they are/were, so that coming across one at a garage
sale (or e-bay), I'd be able to tell it was really LEGO.

Again, thanks for recognizing and responding to the LEGO user community.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Introducing LEGO Direct
First off, I would like to say thanks to Brad for recognizing the AFOLs, it has been a long time comming. Echoing what Wayne Hussey just said, I to have always longed to know some information on parts made past and present. I have always hoped that (...) (24 years ago, 16-Dec-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego)

Message is in Reply To:
  Introducing LEGO Direct
To LEGO enthusiasts everywhere: We hope that we are the bearer of some holiday cheer for you all. For those of you who have felt that your love for LEGO was unrequited, this is a new day. With this missive, the LEGO Company asks to open a dialogue (...) (24 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, lugnet.dear-lego) !! 

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