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Re: Introducing LEGO Direct
lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 14:08:26 GMT
6808 times

Just let me say that what has been said already sums up my feelings perfectly
so I won't make this to long.

I will say welcome and if there is ever a way that we can help I am sure you
will get lots of it and in very clear and well thought out messages as well.

I personally came out of my Dark Ages with the release of the Star Wars sets
but I would have come out earlier if I thought it was acceptable for adults to
build and create with LEGO.  I think that anything you can do to keep kids
interest in LEGO into their adult years will benefit TLC's bottom line more
than anything.

I also think that you need to market to girls/women more and not with Belville
and Scala either.  It does not have to be pink for a girl to like a product.  I
will also share that my wife was insulted by the Belville and Scala sets and
asked why LEGO could not just market the current sets to Girls and maybe make
some sets in the system line marketed to girls like houses and shops in

Again welcome,

Eric Kingsley

The New England LEGO Users Group

View my creations at

Brad Justus
Senior Vice President, LEGO Direct

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Introducing LEGO Direct
Eric Kingsley wrote... (...) ... (...) Belville (...) product. I (...) and (...) make (...) I second that and my wife said just the same. // Eric (too) -- "The great thing about Lego isn't that you can build something out of it, the great thing is (...) (24 years ago, 10-Dec-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.dear-lego)

Message is in Reply To:
  Introducing LEGO Direct
To LEGO enthusiasts everywhere: We hope that we are the bearer of some holiday cheer for you all. For those of you who have felt that your love for LEGO was unrequited, this is a new day. With this missive, the LEGO Company asks to open a dialogue (...) (24 years ago, 9-Dec-99, to lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, lugnet.dear-lego) !! 

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