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LEGO compatible fantasy war game?
Wed, 10 May 2000 16:24:56 GMT
611 times
This site may be old news to veteran wargamers, but others might not
know about it. The Warp Spawn Game site is a site I've visited several
times in the past. Here is the URL:

While I've used some of the rules on this site in the past, namely
Green Plastic Massacre, I never really looked for rules that might be
compatible with LEGO. I think I've found a game that fits the bill.
It's called Swords & Sorcery and even though it has quite a few
charts, the concept is quite simple.

Also on this site is a one on one fantasy game called Combat Dice.
Basically it involves rolling a number dice against eachother. I only
glanced at it, but it seems that it could be used for LEGO combat,
although with only two figures fighting, it could be kind of boring
for some. Perhaps it might be useful for tournament or gladiator style

There might be more LEGO compatible games on the site, but most I
looked at would need some sort of modifications to be useful.

Jeff Christner

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