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 Events / BrickFest / 3616
3615  |  3617
Re: A questions for those attending
Sun, 27 Aug 2006 16:09:26 GMT
3141 times
In, Mike Case wrote:
Any big announcements this year?

As TLC has been doing increasingly, it secretly recruited 10 train AFOLs in
March to help design LEGO train factory. The group ultimately came up with a
unified red, white, and gray palette and 30 MOCs. Near final production
packaging art was shown and the product should be ready "soon".

Oddly, before they were even asked at the main session, LEGO officials announced
that they had nothing to announce regarding the the future of 9V trains.

Some overall notes:

The site is fabulous. Almost all the MOCs and the train layout fit in one very
nice room and has been open around the clock. Immediately adjacent is a room
with 400 chairs for the joint sessions. Joe surprised most of us by including
dinner after the Friday session. Most of the attendees I have spoken with who
are staying at the hotel (a great idea and a relative bargain) are housed within
a 100 or less steps of the main hall, which is very convenient. The hotel and
its staff seem very pleased to have us. The onsite LEGO store is practically a
"real store" with a very large stock on labelled shelves. The shirts are


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: A questions for those attending
(...) I was invited to a meeting Sunday morning about hobby train. The LEGO factory people and the community people (I don't remember all the names so I won't name specific people) totally understand that somehow 9v trains need to stay alive. We (...) (18 years ago, 28-Aug-06, to

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  A questions for those attending
Any big announcements this year? (18 years ago, 26-Aug-06, to  

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