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 Castle / 2275
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The disappearing act
Sat, 5 Feb 2000 20:48:25 GMT
2186 times
I've just had some tense ten minutes...

Scar has been running the disappearing act on me... I was really scared, cause
I couldn't find her anywhere. The only two possibilities I had in mind after
futile search were:

a. I lost her somewhere. Scary thought, since I don't have another one of
those pizza-babe torsos, nor the storm face or the red hair. Impossible (or
very expensive) to duplicate, and she being so crucial to my kingdom!

b. She ran away. Even a scarier thought - who knows what she might do to all
those other irreplaceable characters like Franz, Marck, or Cleo. I was half-
expecting to find a minifig with a red torso instead of the regular...
(See Pawel's chp. 1 :-)

Well, what can I say - I was freaking out.

But, thank [appropriate title], I found her. She was hiding under some big
baseplates - thus confirming my latter speculation ;-) I'd better not leave
her alone for too long...

For those of you unfamiliar with Scar, see her and the rest on:

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The disappearing act
(...) well, there's another possible explanation... our 'figs probably know everything we know regarding Castle World. and we all know from experiences similar to yours that there are some 'figs, you just can't turn your back on. ;-) scar slipped (...) (24 years ago, 5-Feb-00, to lugnet.castle)

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