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 Castle / 20346
20345  |  20347
BrickLords v2 ?
Wed, 6 Oct 2004 13:53:16 GMT
3273 times
Hi there,

After many months of net inactivity (new house, new job, etc), I am thinking of
a secund version of bricklords.
I wish to keep the pleasure of the play but to considerably reduce the
adminsitration cost for me.
For that, I have to heavy rewrite all the the code and optimize it. Then,
I would make only one level but which will grow bigger gradually with new
section appearing from time to time.
I also intend to bring new functionalities like a positioning on map in real
time, fighting with other players met in the corridors, etc.

What do you think about ? Are you interested by a new version of BrickLords ?
Do you have ideas of improvements or innovations ?


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