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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 909
908  |  910
Lgeo woes
Thu, 26 Jul 2001 16:24:13 GMT
1612 times
Hi everyone,
This is my first post to the cad group. I just recently got L3p up and
running and I am making use of the Lgeo parts library. While these parts are
absolutely gorgeous, I have had some wierd problems with them. Some parts
are troublesome, such as the technic crown gear. The file turned up errors,
and wouldn't render at all. Sometimes when I render the scene in PovRay, a
couple of the Lgeo parts decide to reorient themselves. A technic triangle,
for instance, was rotated by 90 degrees. Other times the parts would appear
bunched together, not at all the way I had placed them in Mlcad. This wasn't
an issue when I just used L3P without the Lgeo library. Any suggestions? I
really want to use the Lgeo parts, because they look so much better!

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