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Re: LDrawIni API (was: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths)
Thu, 18 Mar 2004 19:57:49 GMT
3749 times
"Lars C. Hassing" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Here are my ideas of an API for accessing the LDrawIni settings.

The basic idea is that it should be very simple to use, there are only • four functions
and a data structure declaration.

First you call LDrawIniGet to read and initialize all relevant ldraw.ini • data,
the LDrawDir, the search directories, the LGEO directory.
The data is initialized from environment variables and/or ini files
suitable for the platform you are running and in the agreed order.

L3P, as an example, will now look for the model in each of the search • dirs.
When found L3P calls LDrawIniComputeRealDirs with the directory of the • model.
This will recalculate the search dirs in the data structure to include • those with <MODELDIR>.
L3P will now (probably) have an extra search dir to look in for the • remaining loading of parts.
(directories marked with <SKIP> will of course be excluded from the search

Don mentioned that already, it would be good to enable <SKIP> from the
programm. Imagine an
alternate set of files with <SKIP> flag before official ones. When the user
can enable/disable the SKIP
detection, the user can see the different view without to modify any ini
file - on some systems users
might not be able to modify these files (e.g. when running with a guest

For each search dir there may be a number of flags. The known ones are • parsed into bit-flags
to speed up testing (e.g. LDSDF_HIDE|LDSDF_DEFPRIM), the remaining are • available
as a string, e.g "<MyFlag><UnknownFlag>".
(or would you like a NULL terminated array of strings?)

I would prefere the current variant, as this allows quick searching for
flags using just one standard function call.

When finding a file in one of the search dirs and the file has no official • header
L3P can quickly determine whether the default filetype is e.g. Primitive.

When done L3P calls LDrawIniFree to release the data structure.

L3Lab works the same way, only it calls LDrawIniComputeRealDirs
whenever a new model is loaded.

The last function is LDrawIniResetSearchDirs, only to be called from the
LDrawSetup program - or if you wish to override the search to be the
standard one.

Do we have to call LDrawIniResetSearchDirs before each call to


static int FileIsFromP;
static int FileIsFromPARTS;
static FILE *OpenDatFile2(char *DatName, char *Extension)
   FILE          *fp;
   register int   i;

   for (i = 0; i < LDrawIni->nSearchDirs; i++)
      strcpy(DatPath, LDrawIni->SearchDirs[i].Dir); /* Has trailing \ */
      strcat(DatPath, DatName);
      strcat(DatPath, Extension);
      FileIsFromP = (LDrawIni->SearchDirs[i].Flags & LDSDF_DEFPRIM) ? 1 : • 0;
      FileIsFromPARTS = (LDrawIni->SearchDirs[i].Flags & LDSDF_DEFPART) ? • 1 : 0;
      fp = fopeni(DatPath, "rb");
      if (fp)
         return fp;
   return NULL;
FILE *OpenDatFile(char *DatName, int IsModel)
   static char *Extensions[] = { "", ".ldr", ".dat", ".mpd" };
   int i;
   FILE          *fp;

   if (IsModel)
      /* Be sure to load model; can't be sure <MODELDIR> is in search dirs • */
      strcpy(DatPath, ModelDir); /* ModelDir may be "" */
      if (DatPath[0])
         strcat(DatPath, BACKSLASH_STRING);
      strcat(DatPath, DatName);
      FileIsFromP = 0;
      FileIsFromPARTS = 0;
      fp = fopeni(DatPath, "rb");
      if (fp)
         return fp;
   for (i = 0; i < sizeof(Extensions)/sizeof(char *); i++)
      fp = OpenDatFile2(DatName, Extensions[i]);
      if (fp)
         return fp;
   return NULL;

Don't you ever need FileIsFrom* flags when processing the files themself? If
you use global variables you cannot tell, which flag belongs to which file?!

These library is ideal for me at least, and I like this suggestion. Well
done Lars!

Is there any interest out there on a c++ class? If yes, I'll write a well
documented one otherwice I do the quick and dirty way without comments and
documentation :-)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LDrawIni API (was: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths)
(...) OK, <SKIP> will be parsed into a bit-flag LDSDF_SKIP and LDrawIniComputeRealDirs will have an extra parameter to include/exclude <SKIP> dirs: KeepSkippedDirs, IncludeSkipDirs, DontSkipDirs, ExcludeSkipDirs, SkipSkipDirs - please come up with a (...) (20 years ago, 18-Mar-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  LDrawIni API (was: LDRAWPREDIRS LDRAWPOSTDIRS - additional search paths)
Here are my ideas of an API for accessing the LDrawIni settings. The basic idea is that it should be very simple to use, there are only four functions and a data structure declaration. First you call LDrawIniGet to read and initialize all relevant (...) (20 years ago, 15-Mar-04, to

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