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 CAD / LDraw Files / Models / 245
    Re: House with porch —Jeff Stembel
   (...) Thanks for the compliments. I'll see what I can do about designing more buildings. I've got thousands of ideas just waiting to be implelmented. :) Also, What did you like/dislike about this house? I'd like to know so I can refine my technique. (...) (25 years ago, 31-Aug-99, to lugnet.cad.dat.models)
        Re: House with porch —John VanZwieten
    Jeff Stembel <> wrote in message (...) output (...) animation (...) I, too like the diagonal door. Mostly it just looks like a house that might be on my block. The 1X plates over the lattice looks (...) (25 years ago, 31-Aug-99, to lugnet.cad.dat.models)

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