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Re: Part title suggestions
Fri, 10 Apr 2009 08:15:45 GMT
7518 times
In lugnet.cad, Michael Heidemann wrote:
   In lugnet.cad, Santeri Piippo wrote:
   Hi again, thought to voice my opinion on some parts’ titles:
  • 48989 and 55615 are obviously similar parts, however they have totally different titles. Even they seem like pin joiners to me, as there are no axleholes on either part, just pins and pin holes.

  • 32044 and 2412b are titled exactly the same, though the former is for transparent parts and the other for opaque, shouldn’t this be mentioned in the title, or 32044 be prefixed with either “~” or “_” as Steffen had commented on the its PT page? Same for 54200 and 50746.

  • Also, shouldn’t 2951 be retitled to “Technic Excavator Bucket 10 x 8” in order to keep it similar to others, which are titled “Technic Excavator Bucket”? See here and here.

Thank you very much for pointing on that. We should have all a quick look at the mentioned issues, as all the parts are currently on the PT and everybody (who has reviewer rights) should comment for this.

In general I agree to all three items you mentioned.

Later I will go to the PT and see what has to be done.

cu mikeheide

48989 vs 55615 - I agree that the names should be more similar

30244 vs. 2412b and 54200 vs. 50746 - This is contrary to what has been agreed before. Where this exists in the existing official library (e.g. 2456 vs. 44237, 3960 vs. 30065) we have used the !LDRAW_ORG line to distinguish between the two. The first-born file is a “Part” the other is a “Part Alias”. My long term desire is for applications to make use of this line to identify the class of part (rather than the obscure “~” or “_”). The aliases are distributed as an optional install library.

2951 - I agree that this is a no-brainer.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Part title suggestions
(...) Thank you very much for pointing on that. We should have all a quick look at the mentioned issues, as all the parts are currently on the PT and everybody (who has reviewer rights) should comment for this. In general I agree to all three items (...) (15 years ago, 9-Apr-09, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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