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 Building / Vignette / 984
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Escape to the Cave!
Fri, 21 Sep 2007 15:47:52 GMT
! (details)
9454 times
This one is kind of an experiment. I don't know if it has worked or not, but I'm
on medication so my mind is a little frazzled right now.

I call it "Escape to the Cave".

The brave knight had fought long and hard with the Dragon but the battle was too
much for him... He flees to a mysterious glowing cave containing water that has
magical healing properties, but he can only wonder how long it is before the
Dragon finds him...

I used one of those transparent plate thingies from a mosaic set as I was
lacking anything blue, but the vig' itself is still 8x8, it's just sat on the
corner. To get the blue colour of the magical water in the cave the model is
sitting on top of an 8x8x3 blue "box" with a small hatch at the back through
which a torch is shining - the blue light is just reflected light from the
inside of the box. I had two more torches on a sort of diffused setting to
highlight other areas, one in front of the Knight, one behind the dragon - quite
a complicated setup but it seems to have worked.

Dr. S.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Escape to the Cave!
I think your experiment worked, the effect is quite cool. Excellent use of the transparent Mosaic baseplate. Josh (17 years ago, 22-Sep-07, to

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