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 Building / Vignette / 915
914  |  916
Re: Torii Gate vignette
Tue, 30 Jan 2007 03:13:13 GMT
7288 times
In, Aaron Amatnieks wrote:
One question. How well do the plates stay on top, is it secure or are they just resting on top?

Hi Aaron. If you are referring to the brown tile on the very top, they are secure and are not resting. There is a 1 x 2 tile in the center, and a 1 x 6 on either side of it. One end of sits up on the 1 x 1 round plate at the end while the other fits (snugly) into one stud where it rests against the 1 x 2. Hope this helps.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Torii Gate vignette
(...) Nice solution. I was currently trying to work out how to make one myself for a project with heavy oriental themes. I think I will be borrowing this One question. How well do the plates stay on top, is it secure or are they just resting on top? (17 years ago, 29-Jan-07, to, FTX)

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