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My next vig and haiku--Celerity
Sun, 16 Jul 2006 13:02:52 GMT
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4875 times
Whilst road-tripping last week with fellow AFOLs Steve and Joe, I was inspired to write another haiku. This one came about because I am, admittedly, a very bad driver--due mainly to the fact that I speed, tailgate, and weave in and out of traffic with little-to-no disregard for vehicle spacing or the sanity of my passengers. I actually don’t mean to drive like a maniac, it just happens--and as usual, I didn’t even notice until I heard Joe gasp in the back seat and saw Steve cross himself. That’s when I said, “People just don’t understand; it’s not that I got there only five seconds before the other guy--it’s that I GOT THERE BEFORE THE OTHER GUY!”

This led to the following haiku coming to me a few nights later as I tried to sleep. It’s titled Celerity.

It’s not that I’m there
Only five seconds faster
But that I beat him.

Click for the link to a larger pic.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: My next vig and haiku--Celerity
(...) LOL - Having been through that experience (my car is still not quite over it:-) ), I can say it was one of the funniest road trips I have been on. Good vignette and good haiku! Joe Meno Survivor of the "NMRA Dash 2006" (18 years ago, 16-Jul-06, to, FTX)

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