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The First Joe Vig Contest - Comments
Sat, 23 Jul 2005 05:21:09 GMT
3656 times
I wasn’t going to post any comments on the contest entries, but there were so many good ones that I felt that it would be wrong for me NOT to do so, or at least the winning ones - so here goes:

1st place
   “Ahoy There!!” by Greg Nation

The dual-hulled construction technique on the ship is fantastic - thanks for posting the instructions, Greg! Joe Vig is not only oblivious to the line of rats fleeing from the ship (behind him), but also to the lighted fuse below deck. A very original vignette!!

2nd place
   “Joe and Jonesy” by Tony Hafner

Any fan of the Alien films will notice that the camera angles for the shots are spot on from the film. The alien is great for its small scale, as are the chains, etc. (Note: We did not realize that we would get so many entries based on movies.)

3rd place
   “Joe Runner” by Janey GunningCook

A great take on the old WB cartoons, and with such colors! I was reading the thread regarding the anvil and the string - I think the string makes perfect sense: Once Joe Vig leaves, Wile E. steps under the anvil to see why his trap failed. The string breaks and it falls on his head - brilliant! If anything is to be questioned on this vig, it would be 1) why are plants growing on the road, and 2) why does Joe Vig stop for flowers? (Personally, I would have used a money 1x2 tile or a coin instead!) :)

4th place
   “Avalanche” by Bruce Hietbrink

The height on this vig is great, and Joe Vig is once again so oblivious. Bruce really captured that ‘snapshot in time’ for this vignette.

   Honorable Mentions go to the following entries: (in no particular order)

   “A Close Encounter with Fate” by Brendan Mauro
The Fate machine is incredibly detailed, and I hope that we see it again before it is dismantled.

   “A Grave Situation” by Tony Hafner
Simple, and to the point.

   “Special Friend” by Terry Prosper
Terry has given a new meaning to the word ‘oblivious’!!! :)

   “Jedi Temple” by Ryan Wood
Ryan has taken vignettes to all new dimensions!

   “The Birds” by Anita Eenink
A very good movie MOC. Even if you never heard of the film, you could still view this vig with Joe Vig being oblivious to the flock above, about to make him their....well,... target! :)

And there were also some very nice vigs from:
Chris Doyle
Michael Jasper
Brian Pilati

There were quite a few replies hoping that the next Joe Vig contest will occur soon. We were not planning one until maybe next year. However, since the judges are supplying the prizes, perhaps if some of our Joe Vig fans would be willing to provide prizes/postage and also to serve as a contest judge, we COULD sponsor the next contest sooner - please email the Curators if you are interested!!!

Once again, thanks to all who entered! That’s all folks!!

“Big Daddy” Nelson

Message is in Reply To:
  The First Joe Vig Contest - The Winners!!!
(URL) The .vignette curators have reviewed all of the entries, and would again like to thank all of those who have entered "The First Joe Vig Contest" here on LUGNET. We have had some excellent entries, and would like to hereby award the following (...) (19 years ago, 20-Jul-05, to,, FTX) !! 

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