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 Building / Vignette / 416
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Waltzing Matilda Vignette
Sat, 16 Jul 2005 20:31:18 GMT
3449 times
Hi all,

Here is my first attempt at a vignette. It is a recreation of the first two lines of the famous Australian poem Waltzing Matilda by Banjo Patterson. For those who don’t know: a swagman is a sort of rural itinerant and a billabong is a waterhole (pond). Its a nice poem/song although the ending is not what you would call uplifting. If you want to read the full thing, you’ll probably need lots of translation as it most definitely in Australian English.

Waltzing Matilda

or the Brickshelf gallery where you can find a rotation mpeg and a closer view of the swaggie.

This nearly became the National Anthem so, but for a few votes, you may have heard this played a lot at the Olympics.

Hope you like it,


PS. If I ever get a digi-cam I’ll make it “in the brick” and post pictures.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Waltzing Matilda Vignette
(...) Very cool idea for a vignette and well carried out. It expresses the feeling and atmosphere of the song really well, the beginning is peaceful and this is really well reflected in your vignette. I would love to see a series of vignettes for (...) (19 years ago, 16-Jul-05, to, FTX)

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