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 Building / Vignette / 388
  Joe Vig Competition entry - The land of Hitchcock 1 & 2
This is my first time giving vignettes a go. The reasoning behind my vignette is with Joe Vignettes, you always feel this sense of dread, like you want to yell out to him and warn him of the danger. This gives me that same feeling of when I am (...) (19 years ago, 11-Jul-05, to
  Re: Joe Vig Competition entry - The land of Hitchcock 1 & 2
Those are great. I love the use of the lightsaber hilt for the shower-head. The shower curtain is excellent too. I haven't seen the Birds so I can't really comment too much on it, other than to say, that you beat me to making a vignette from it... (...) (19 years ago, 11-Jul-05, to

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