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Joe Vig Contest Entry - Trouble in the Ten Items Or Less Lane
Wed, 8 Jun 2005 22:37:58 GMT
! (details)
2088 times
One word that stuck in my mind from the description of Joe Vig is that he is “Oblivious”. All to often, I think, we have to deal with “Oblivious” folks.

Case in point: You’re at the supermarket, just needing to pick up one small item on the way home from a stressful day at work. All the normal lines are packed, but you have hope: The Express Lane. “Hope” until you get there and find that Joe Vig has beat you to the punch. And the cheese bricks. And about four dozen other items.

My first contest entry shows a moment of wish-fullfillment. Wish fullfillment for everyone but Joe, that is.

Alternate angles are here, here, and here.

Comments and suggestions are welcome and appreciated. :) Chris

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Joe Vig Contest Entry - Trouble in the Ten Items Or Less Lane
(...) LOL, yeah... Heads will roll!!! (URL) (...) Nicely done, Chris. You pulled that moment in time off well and I truly appreciate the TWISTED humour presented here (if not a depart from the Vigs I have come to expect, wink). Sadly I was behind (...) (19 years ago, 8-Jun-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Joe Vig Contest Entry - Trouble in the Ten Items Or Less Lane
Um.. It appears Joe only has about 12-14 items.. Not something to lose one's head over, no? Can't you cut a 'vig some slack? ;) Darrell ps But wait! He has cupons too! (19 years ago, 9-Jun-05, to, FTX)
  Re: Joe Vig Contest Entry - Trouble in the Ten Items Or Less Lane
Hey Chris, Great Vig. I like the overhead shot especially. Bruce (19 years ago, 9-Jun-05, to, FTX)

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