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 Building / Vignette / 176
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The Art Museum of LEGO Vignette
Thu, 7 Apr 2005 23:29:48 GMT
1461 times
Hey all,

I’ve found a Japanese-language website, The Art Museum of LEGO Vignette that documents vignettes built by Japanese AFOLs. (Mods, this should probably be added under the sidebar links.)

The vignette fad on Classic-Castle was inspired by this post noting the work of several Japanese AFOLs that appeared on Brickshelf. It seems that this spate of Japanese vignette MOCs was inspired by discussion on a website named the “after all LEGO the favorite bulletin board” (from my Babel Fish translation of the page). Unfortunately the link they give is broken. Perhaps someone who speaks Japanese can find out more about this site and the bulletin board they refer to?

As an aside, Babel Fish can be pretty funny; its translation defines vignettes as “the minimum diorama on 6 -untranslated- ×6 -untranslated- due to -untranslated- which the foil plain gauze ill-smelling is presents.” :)


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Art Museum of LEGO Vignette
(...) Wow that Peter Pan one is great! jt (19 years ago, 8-Apr-05, to, FTX)

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