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 Building / Sculpture / 1035
1034  |  1036
Re: MOC: The Rabbit
Tue, 18 Apr 2006 01:16:45 GMT
4445 times
   Nice MOC...can’t wait to see more of the pix. What else are you gonna pull out of your hat? ;)

Funny you mention what I might pull out of my hat next--

I’ve had builders block for a few months now. I’ve had no shortage of ideas, but every time I sat down to put an idea into form I was never satisfied. I associate building with relaxing so this has been a major problem this past winter; I come home frustrated and want to relax so I try and build. But I’m too tired and frustrated to be creative. Quite a conundrum.

But this last weekend the sun was shining bright, the temperature was warm, and I found myself with a forced weekend off from work due to the holiday. The Rabbit was built in one sitting-- like it all came back to me suddenly. I was actually very nervous the moment might be fleeting, so I worked through the night to complete it.

I don’t know if its the weather, a need to remove myself physically and mentally from work, or maybe both. But I feel like I’ve overcome a big hurdle. Hopefully this is just the start of another sculpture series.

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  Re: MOC: The Rabbit
(...) Eh, What's up Doc? Nice MOC...can't wait to see more of the pix. What else are you gonna pull out of your hat? ;) "Big Daddy" Nelson (18 years ago, 16-Apr-06, to, FTX)

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