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 Building / Mosaics / 345
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Re: Self-supporting, Sturdy, Textured, Flexible, malleable LEGO Mosaic
Thu, 3 Feb 2005 16:23:55 GMT
5834 times
In, Mike Gallagher wrote:
   I do not know if anyone has used this type of mosaic yet. But I was looking for a way to make cheap and large mosaics. Using 1x1 plates have limited colors and can cost a bit. But 1x2 bricks are less than .01 each. Plus we can find these in all colors. You can mix in 1x1 also as long as the structure stays sound.

Mike Gallagher

Very cool Mike! (hope you’re bringing this to NMRA in July!)

I’ve seen the 1x2’s used a lot--I know Calum made a japanese fish windsock (I think) some time ago using 1x2’s...he used colored bricks in the same manner to make a pattern.

Jeremy Rear’s Oregon Convention Center uses the “curved brick” technique as well.

Adrian Drake’s Tribunal uses the ring for the rear engine section.

The Cincinnati Union Terminal project initially had roof made of 1x2 elements, until we discovered the roof wasn’t correct architecturally, and we had no way of keeping the walls structurally sound using that method (oh, wait..I got an idea...I’ll have to test it, see if it works...) The main wings at the front of the station are going to use this curved brick idea as well.

-Scott Lyttle

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  Self-supporting, Sturdy, Textured, Flexible, malleable LEGO Mosaic
I do not know if anyone has used this type of mosaic yet. But I was looking for a way to make cheap and large mosaics. Using 1x1 plates have limited colors and can cost a bit. But 1x2 bricks are less than .01 each. Plus we can find these in all (...) (19 years ago, 3-Feb-05, to, FTX) !! 

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