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 Building / Mosaics / 342
    Self-supporting, Sturdy, Textured, Flexible, malleable LEGO Mosaic —Mike Gallagher (3-Feb-05) !!
        Re: Self-supporting, Sturdy, Textured, Flexible, malleable LEGO Mosaic —Ed McGlynn (3-Feb-05)
        Re: Self-supporting, Sturdy, Textured, Flexible, malleable LEGO Mosaic —Scott Lyttle (3-Feb-05)
        Re: Self-supporting, Sturdy, Textured, Flexible, malleable LEGO Mosaic —Kyle D. Jackson (5-Feb-05)
         Re: Self-supporting, Sturdy, Textured, Flexible, malleable LEGO Mosaic —Mike Gallagher (5-Feb-05)
         Re: Self-supporting, Sturdy, Textured, Flexible, malleable LEGO Mosaic —Kyle D. Jackson (5-Feb-05)
        Re: Self-supporting, Sturdy, Textured, Flexible, malleable LEGO Mosaic —Brian Muzas (5-Feb-05)

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