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Re: The Brick Testament - David and Goliath
Sat, 6 Jan 2007 05:51:08 GMT
11683 times
Oops, I almost let a BT update go by without comment.

Samuel annoints David - I really like how you start with the reference to the killing in the previous story. Nice continuity. The fact that he’s still carrying the axe puts a new spin on the “Do you come in peace?” question in the next picture. I like the carcass on the altar quite a bit.

God torments Saul - In Jesse’s house I really like the window you made with the back sides of headlight bricks and the inverted slopes. I’m not a fan of your lyre solution at all, though I have no good alternative. The effect of putting the feet back a stud to make Saul lean against the pillar is quite good.

Goliath attempts to limit bloodshed - Nice Goliath solution. Makes me think of Mike Crowley’s Brickfas figs a little. He looks best in 17:16 with the bent leg. That Duplo bear always looks mildly confused - “Why is this boy hitting me with a stick?”

David decapitates Goliath - Some really nice effects in this one - David with the crown not fitting, the sling being held out of the frame of the picture so it looks like it’s in action, and the stone hitting Goliath (I assume this is a careful balancing act?).

Another slaughter - The dead along the road from Ekron work quite well. The “Why doesn’t he remember me?” in the last panel makes me think of Mr. Burns and Homer.

Jonathan’s feelings - Hmm, the homoerotic twist on their friendship is interesting. In the last scene, it is unclear what the naked Jonathan is handing to David.

Fate of Goliath’s head - These are well done, but not a lot to comment on here. I enjoy how David is lugging the head around for the last three stories.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: The Brick Testament - David and Goliath
(...) Well, they were coming in at record pace for a while there. I finally took a long holiday break, and am just now starting to plot out the first Brick Testament stories for 2007. (...) I'm not sure how else the "Do you come in peace?" question (...) (17 years ago, 21-Jan-07, to, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  The Brick Testament - David and Goliath
As a final update for 2006, seven new illustrated stories have been added to the (URL) King Saul> section of the (URL) The Brick Testament> website: (2 URLs) Anoints David> (2 URLs) Torments Saul with Evil Spirit> (2 URLs) Attempts to Limit (...) (17 years ago, 12-Dec-06, to lugnet.announce.moc,, FTX) !! 

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