Re: Space Original Creations Etc.
Mon, 9 Aug 1999 02:51:50 GMT
6643 times
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In, Larry Pieniazek <> writes:
> Rick Kujawa wrote:
> > How do you get on the cool lego site
> > of the week? I guess you need to be nominated by someone.
> here's my understanding of the procss
> Anyone can nominate any site they wish. You can nominate your own. Todd
> monitors the mail each week and makes a judgement call about which
> nomination suggestions actually become nominations (that is, get listed
> as a nominated site) Being nominated builds traffic quite a bit.
Mostly, the judgment call is simple things like, Does this site do anything
which would miff TLG and make the online community look bad? (Examples:
Using the red LEGO logo on a splash page, or using the word "LEGO" in a way
which causes confusion as to whether the site is official or unofficial, or
using the word "lego" in a 2nd-level domain name.)
Those are objective judgment calls. Other judgment calls are -somewhat-
subjective, like whether the site is still under heavy construction, or
whether the subject matter is too thin, or whether the subject matter
obviously would never have any hope of being voted for (I get quite a few
nominations from kids with GeoCities pages that only contain links and a
The most subjective judgment call is sometimes figuring out whether a
second-timer should be a re-feature as a "Past Pick Update" or as a totally
new entry... In some cases, I ask people what they think. For example,
although Ben Fleskes's main site was already featured last summer,
his new _Millenium_Falcon_ model
was clearly a totally hugely amazing new thing deserving of a whole separate
entry of its own.
But other than those types of thing, I'd say every site passing the critera
above basically goes onto the queue for voting at some point.
> Once you're nominated, Todd again monitors the mail each week to see how
> many votes come in for you. There is no mechanical voting process, Todd
> basically calls it as he sees fit, and some week, you are the site...
9 out of 10 times, the site with the most accured votes at the end of the
week is the one that gets "picked" that week. So the voting process (which
is actually mechanical -- all handled by a CGI script -- actually plays a
very important role).
Sometimes (especially when the vote is tied or extremely close), it makes
sense to pick one or the other of two sites arbitrarily, to keep the mix
from week to week a bit more fresh. (I don't want to feature 5 town sites
in a row, or 5 CAD sites in a row, for example.)
Also, sometimes a site has a confusing design and doesn't get very many
votes, even though what's buried there is super-cool if you just dig. So
sometimes sites like those get a boost, and they need a bit of extra
commentary to help navigate them and find the cool stuff.
> Sites can stay "nominated" without winning for an arbitrarily long
> period and may eventually be removed, again on Todd's judgement call, if
> they didn't get chosen by him.
I think only 2 sites have ever been removed...(2 which basically never got
any votes). All others have eventually gone on to be featured some week
when they finally accrued enough votes.
> Sounds like a whim driven process. But it works surprisingly well. I am
> amazed every time that I go back and look at past picks. Not every site
> is one that I think is really really cool, but most of them are, and i
> suspect that the majority of people think a given site is deserving,
> even if not everyone does. So I think the process is working great and I
> would hate to see it change. Todd's judgement is excellent.
Thanks. :)
BTW, if there's some site that hasn't made it to the top of the queue for
voting, and you really think it should get a priority boost, by all means
speak up -- I take repeat nominations seriously, especially when they come
from many different people.
> We truly have had some amazing sites. Once GMLTC has their act together
> and gets all the pictures posted there that are out there in one place
> or another I expect that one to "win" handily.
PNLTC was featured already...about 1 year ago...
...but there's no reason that it couldn't get on the list again if there
were something hugely new and cool there. At the very least, a "Past Pick
Update" may be in order for it at some point.
> > I hope my creations
> > would qualify. I haven't seen any as original.
> It's probably not useful to go down that reasoning chain. Coolness is
> determined by a lot of things. You needn't worry about needing to be
> better at building, that's not what this hobby is about. (1)
In my mind, Rick's creations qualify in a BIG way -- not simply because
they're cool, but also because they're so original.
Originality certainly does help here -- because the mission of CLSotW is not
only to expose people to pure eye candy, but also to a wide variety of
building techniques. (Or photographic enhancement techniques, or artistic
techniques, or CAD techniques, etc.)
CLSotW is, in other words, intended to be a well-rounded potpourri of cool
and thought-provoking sites.
> 1 - I can say that because I know I'm the best at building the things I
> choose to specialize in, no need for votes or awards to confirm it. :-)
Message has 3 Replies: | | Re: Space Original Creations Etc.
| Todd, has anyone in the past been nominated or won CLSotW from their MOC's on Brickshelf? I know it's not really anyone's indivdual Website, but it does contain alot of people's wonderful creations. What are your thoughts? Eric (...) (24 years ago, 22-Apr-01, to
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Space Original Creations Etc.
| (...) here's my understanding of the procss Anyone can nominate any site they wish. You can nominate your own. Todd monitors the mail each week and makes a judgement call about which nomination suggestions actually become nominations (that is, get (...) (25 years ago, 8-Aug-99, to
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