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Re: United States Capitol finished after 4 years
Fri, 31 Aug 2007 07:52:28 GMT
10083 times
In lugnet.announce, Holger Matthes wrote:

I can only echo what the rest of the posters have said, this is totally incredible. The attention to detail is mind blowing, and I personally find a patriotic/iconic building built by someone from a country of different origin an interesting twist. This has been one of my favourite MOC post in awhile. Aside from being blown away by the MOC itself, I’m stunned by the fact of him knowing how many bricks and pieces are in it (I sometimes wish I was that organised). Very Cool!

Janey “Red Brick”

Message is in Reply To:
  United States Capitol finished after 4 years
(URL) Dear LEGO fans, Dominik Gerlach, a 26-year-old AFOL from Germany did it. He has build the United States Capitol with LEGO bricks. I was happy to be able to interview the masterbuilder recently: HoMa: How comes that you had the idea of building (...) (17 years ago, 29-Aug-07, to lugnet.announce, FTX) !! 

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