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 Boats / 113
  Visit from a Danish newspaper
[ There is a reason this is posted to - further down ] I had a photographer from one of the larger Danish newspapers visiting me in my laboratory this morning. They are making a series of stories on LEGO due to the "toy of the year" (...) (24 years ago, 2-Mar-00, to
  Re: Visit from a Danish newspaper
Jeg skrev (ovre i (...) Artiklen skulle komme i Berlingske Tidende på onsdag. Jeg ved ikke om de kører hele deres tema om LEGO den dag, eller om de spreder det over flere dage. Leg godt, Jacob ---...--- -- E-post: (...) (24 years ago, 5-Mar-00, to
  Catamaran with strange sail
(...) [...] (...) I got a few pictures from the photographer, and luckily one of them showed the catamaran, although the sail - which I find is the interesting part - isn't that clearly visible. Have a look on my boat page: (URL) well, Jacob (...) (24 years ago, 11-Mar-00, to

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