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Visit from a Danish newspaper
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 11:12:24 GMT
12016 times
[ There is a reason this is posted to - further down ]

I had a photographer from one of the larger Danish
newspapers visiting me in my laboratory this morning.

They are making a series of stories on LEGO due to the "toy
of the year" award, and for some reason one of their
journalists has decided to interview me.

For an interview about LEGO, you seem to need a picture of
the interviewee(sp?) and some (preferably a lot of) LEGO.
Since I am in Paris and most of my LEGO is in Copenhagen,
that could prove a bit difficult.

Luckily I am not completely without LEGO here. I have both
<set:6452> (launch system tester) and <set:6580> (Extreme
Team rocket racer). Both are in my lab, but neither looks
much like the stuff on the box any more. The latter is
probably not a big surprise to anyone.

To please the photographer a bit, I started transforming the
pieces from <set:6580> into yet another model.

[ here comes the part ]

It ended up as an only slightly strange looking catamaran. I
used the two <part:30119> pieces for the sail, and it
actually looks ok. Has anybody else tried using these pieces
for sails (or other boat related stuff)?

I hope to be able to get scans of the photos sometime
tomorrow, but it depends on how nice the photographer is
(copyright and such things).

Play well,


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Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Visit from a Danish newspaper
Jeg skrev (ovre i (...) Artiklen skulle komme i Berlingske Tidende på onsdag. Jeg ved ikke om de kører hele deres tema om LEGO den dag, eller om de spreder det over flere dage. Leg godt, Jacob ---...--- -- E-post: (...) (24 years ago, 5-Mar-00, to
  Catamaran with strange sail
(...) [...] (...) I got a few pictures from the photographer, and luckily one of them showed the catamaran, although the sail - which I find is the interesting part - isn't that clearly visible. Have a look on my boat page: (URL) well, Jacob (...) (24 years ago, 11-Mar-00, to

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