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Quick review of the Belville Yacht
Newsgroups:, lugnet.belville
Sun, 16 Jan 2000 03:56:38 GMT
430 times
Set #: 5848
Price paid: $44.00 (1)

My sister finally opened her birthday present, after a month of hiding it in
the closet and ten more days when she "couldn't find time". (Being a 10-year-
old, she's *very* busy ;-)
We built it together (I let her do the most, after all it WAS her present :-)
and then took it for an experamental sail in the bathtub. My sister thought
the best thing about it was that it could really float. I thought

The piece selection was nice - some dk pink pieces and slopes, two ice-cream
cones and a popsicle, crab, starfish, clam, dog, red brush, compass, steering
wheel, and s'more stuff.
Basically it's a nice set, but the building was really simple, TLC has indeed
dumbed these sets down. My sister didn't show signs of disapproval, but I've
seen here at work - she can do better than that. (She built a large section of
my Bat lord castle alone, for example.) TLC underestimates their crowd, even
if you're not talking about us the "too old for lego" (please forgive sarcasm).

I'm not sure I'd buy it for my sis again, even though she really wanted it. I
would buy her a "real" lego set that would be more challanging and acquire the
cool special pieces from a smaller, less expensive Belville Beach set, or a
trade/auction, etc.


(1) that's including S&H, and I got a McD's set as a present with it, so I'd
value the price paid for the set about $38 USD.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Quick review of the Belville Yacht
(...) I think the fact that it's a Belville set with *function* is very cool. Most Belville sets are very simple backdrops for pretend-play. The closest we get to Belville which does something is a swing or a slide. So having a floating boat is very (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jan-00, to, lugnet.belville)

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