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new mocs: doorway studies 5-8
Sun, 22 Mar 2009 21:27:30 GMT
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74027 times
in keeping with my newest building theme, i continued the doorway studies. there are many advantages to doing these studies: i get to use a variety of architectural styles, a wide of variety of colours, they take up much less space to store than my conventional mocs and displaying them is so simple and hassle-free. there is no consistent scale, i just worked with whatever i thought worked well.

the next 4 doorway studies:

   the french shoe boutique (“shoe-ette” = chouette meaning cute)
   the louvred doorway of france

   the baronial doorway
   the industrial modern (is there such a term?) doorway

enjoy or flickr away.

more doorways to come.

-§ deborah higdon-leblond §-

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: new mocs: doorway studies 5-8
(...) Some very tasty ideas to borrow here. Very nice! I am trying to get away from using Lego doors and build them myself in a similar manner that you have. Best, Jonathan (15 years ago, 23-Mar-09, to, FTX)
  Re: new mocs: doorway studies 5-8
(...) As always, your designs are wonderful, Deborah! I particularly like the baronial doorway. Very clever use of elements, like the rock halves as planters and the just-barely fanned out elements in the transom. What parts are you using to get the (...) (15 years ago, 23-Mar-09, to, FTX)

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