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Green Quad
lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.technic,
Mon, 19 Feb 2007 19:25:06 GMT
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26971 times
Hey all, check out my Green Quad, now on Brickshelf! YAY!

Green Quad ESLC 2007

I want this latest creation to remind fellow LUGNET Members, we come here to share ideas and enjoy all things LEGO!

Here is my contribution. Set 4894 gave me a jump start.

    4894 Mythical Creatures
588 elements, 0 figures, US$30, 2006
LEGO > SYSTEM > Creator

This is the last in a series of Proto Types that use wheels at the toes. I think I am ready to begin the fully robotic
version using black TECHNIC and technology I developed while building the Jamocklaquat.

Most of the other Quads I made use rounded balloon tyres at the toes. This is good for allowing the lower section of the
legs to pivot. I always liked the 49.6 x 28 VR tyres, and it seemed that the squared shape of these wheels would make
for stable footing and provide a flat reliable footprint.

Head front legs 49.6 x 28 VR tyres rear shot of head top front section double pivoted spine top rear section

A mix of Greens and Bluish Gray.

I also always liked the Grunnion. Aside from my Little Green Bot, it was the only green creation I had. Since I took the
Grunnion a part, I had that printed canopy from one of the Racer Sets laying around and this was a good excuse to
use the part as well as the green I had stored up.

...and then the Green Quad was born! 1200x1600 244KB

One of the things I am facinated by, is learing to explore ball jointed shoulder geometry. Using multiple ball joints to
create a twisting and pivoting motion is really tough to do! It seems as the degrees of freedom become limited, the rigidity goes up.

front shoulder front front shoulder rear rear haunch front rear haunch rear R.I.P. T.K. R.I.P. Elkane

Finding an effective pivoting geometry is something I liked testing and exploring with this design.

SNOT Brick Necklace Ode to Travis Knunce - Inspiration, friend, Lego Fan - 2004

Printed LEGO bricks from Enfeild Ct.! ... Printed 2x2 Brick from Enfield Ct. USA

Green Quad

Enjoy! I look forward to hearing your thoughts and seeing your contributions.

Visit my Brickshelf Gallery

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Green Quad
(...) -snip- (...) I really like the colour scheme on this! Do they tyres on the toes turn? I don't think they do - but I can't be certain from the pics. It would be interesting (but challenging) to combine wheeling and walking on a robotic quad... (...) (18 years ago, 20-Feb-07, to, FTX)
  Re: Green Quad
(...) I like it. I'm not a big mecha fan, and honestly your work, while awesome, can be a bit repetitive- but this is cute. Does it walk? Or roll? Does it sit up, or do tricks? Or is that all coming in the next model? Tim (Smith) (18 years ago, 20-Feb-07, to, FTX)  
  Re: Green Quad
Now this I would Buy pvd Roc (18 years ago, 23-Feb-07, to, FTX)  

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