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Tenacious Class Guided Missile Boats.
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce,
Sat, 6 Sep 2008 23:45:24 GMT
8027 times
The Tenacious Class Guided Missile Boat complements the earlier Courageous Class in that it provides long-range fire in comparison to its short-range torpedo boat counterpart.

Full details:

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Here we see the Gladius missile system which mounts five ship-killing missiles. The Gladius missile system incorporates a rotating firing platform. Although the system can allow for off-bore firing, full 360 degree firing is also possible, and firing directly at a target can allow for a longer range as opposed to off-bore firing which can reduce the missile range as it turns to acquire its target.

View of the helmsman and Captain’s positions. The Captain sits in a raised position with a repeater display to his right that can show any of the ship’s status displays.

Some images of Tenacious Class vessels and their Courageous Class counterparts:

Dr. S.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Tenacious Class Guided Missile Boats.
Please post some details regarding the top speed or cuising speed/maximum range or plane speed in the bath tub. Steve (16 years ago, 11-Sep-08, to, FTX)

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