New Mecha: Grelnix
Completed X-mas Day 2007.

6 weeks to construct.
- 33 inches tall.
- Nearly 10 pounds.
- 6 Technic Turntables.
- 2 Pilots - Head / Chest.
- Ball joints for ankle splay.
- Jet Pack - 9v Battery Box.
- Quad ball joint setup / neck.
- Throw Bot Gear Boxes / knees.
- Custom eye lights by HiTechnic.
- Spine - z40 Throwbot Gear Box.
- Ball joints for shoulder / hip fwd splay.
- Waist - upper spine - dual turn tables.
- Rakshi ball joints aid spine articulation.
 Eric Sophie
Message has 8 Replies:  | | Re: Grelnix
| (...) snip (...) I did!! Wow!! Hardly a stud to be seen--that's inspiring on its own! I love how you use obscure parts--the red tow truck hook from yor for the top of the head--cute! Nicely done! Dave K (17 years ago, 28-Dec-07, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
|  | | Re: Grelnix
| (...) Thank's for shareing Eric, I'm happy you restarted building! The Grelnix seems to me the perfect symbiosis of Rizmit (my alltime Fav up to now) and the Beesh. But there are some things which are much better as with those two: The proportions (...) (17 years ago, 29-Dec-07, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
|  | | Re: Grelnix
| (...) Hi Eric, Do you have pictures of the inside of the joints? I'm curious about your gearing techniques. Kevin (17 years ago, 29-Dec-07, to lugnet.technic, FTX)
|  | | Re: Grelnix
| (...) Wow! That's a lot of Ball joints. Born on Christmas day...10 pounds 33 inches, splayed ankles and almost studless....(with two turntables and a microphone). You should really consider a microphone next time, and one of those squak-box things (...) (17 years ago, 30-Dec-07, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
|  | | Re: Grelnix
| (...) Impressive work as always! Good to know that (URL) rumours> of your retirement were a little exaggerated. Spotlighted. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Richie Dulin (17 years ago, 5-Jan-08, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX) !
|  | | Re: Grelnix
| (...) -snip Lookin good, E ! In answer to your question posed in your last post to me, I gave it a lot of thought, I think the Wraith would be a challenge to build, not sure I'm up to it yet! -Jon (17 years ago, 14-Jan-08, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
|  | | Re: Grelnix
| I got a chance to take some more photos of the Grelnix. I also learned a bit about how it can be posed, check out the photos: (URL) to visit the main Gallery>> (URL) Eric Sophie> (17 years ago, 17-Jan-08, to lugnet.build.mecha, FTX)
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