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LEGO TV on Comcast on Demand
Tue, 4 Dec 2007 19:48:08 GMT
13985 times
Hoping I’m not posting old news, but LEGO TV went live yesterday on Comcast on Demand. There’s an hours worth of content that will be cycling through during this Christmas season. One of the features includes a report from Brickfest PDX and Northwest BrickCon from this year (starring a familiar shaggy faced community guy). you can check it out on comcast on demand or you can see it at this site:

Enjoy everyone!


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: LEGO TV on Comcast on Demand
(...) Very cool--especially for those of us using satellite TV and don't have Comcast. I do like the use of the 9V trains in the opening theme...too bad the 9V line is being discontinued... I love seeing the 2007 LEGO commercials!!! Scott (16 years ago, 4-Dec-07, to, FTX)
  Re: LEGO TV on Comcast on Demand
(...) This is awesome. Sometimes the comcast menus can be a little daunting to find something like this. You don't know the menu items do you? I'll be looking for it once I get home. (16 years ago, 4-Dec-07, to, FTX)
  Re: LEGO TV on Comcast on Demand
The Bellaire Ohio Toy Museum is on Comcast as well. We made the news makers last month, and we are working on a monthly program as well. Saw the LEGO(r) comcast, very cool stuff!!! I am hoping to get some real graphics for a TV commercial in the (...) (16 years ago, 11-Mar-08, to, FTX)

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