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  LEGO museum in Billund
Hi, I visited the brand new LEGO museum in Billund two weeks ago. It is almost finished. The museum is quite what you can expect from a LEGO museum : old sets and models, boxes, displays, early wooden toys, etc. However, an unexpected section of the (...) (17 years ago, 7-May-07, to lugnet.announce) ! 
  Re: LEGO museum in Billund
(...) Score! :) Kelly (17 years ago, 7-May-07, to, FTX)
  Re: LEGO museum in Billund
(...) Kelly, do you have a transcript, or copy, of what you said on the video? Robin (17 years ago, 7-May-07, to, FTX)
  Re: LEGO museum in Billund
(...) Indeed I do. I have the original script (not quite as the finished video appears), and two versions of the video itself. Script: (URL) Low-res QT .mov file: (URL) (approx. 11MB) Higher-res MP4 movie: (URL) (approx. 32MB) Kelly (17 years ago, 7-May-07, to, FTX)
  Re: LEGO museum in Billund
(...) Neat! And Freek Beijert is standing right next to me! :-) I no longer belong to PLUG: my current project is the "0937 community"... hopefully you'll know more in the near future Thanks for the heads' up! Pedro (17 years ago, 8-May-07, to

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